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Status Future consideration
Categories Storage Management
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 1, 2021

Hypervisor-agnostic storage place

Currently only ISO files stored in the Microsoft directory can by accessed from Hyper-V lab profiles. So if my vSphere lab profile needs access to the same ISO files, I need to upload the same ISO files also into the VMware folder. It would more more efficient (for us clients, and possibly for LODS as well) to create a mutual space where both environments can read ISO files from a shared location.

Who would most benefit from this idea? Lab Developers or Lab Authors
    Jul 19, 2022

    Thanks for taking a minute to send along this suggestion! Our Product Group has given this an initial review and assigned this a status of "Future Consideration." This status mean this Idea is not yet on our roadmap, but will be part of our normal prioritization processes.

    If you have additional context or would like to generate more demand, feel free to edit your original post, add a comment, and/or invite your peers to upvote your Idea.

  • Attach files
  • Eric Grau
    Jun 21, 2022

    Brian, following up with you on this idea. Would you be able to provide an additional comment for clarity?

  • Eric Grau
    Apr 12, 2022

    Brian, thank you for the Idea.


    How often do you need to share media across both Hypervisors?

    Do you upload multiple ISOs at one time to both locations?