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Allow the Changing of Power States of remote VMs in Automated Activities and LCAs

The ability to Power a remote VM On or Off via Automated Activities or Life Cycle Actions could enhance the designer's capacity to manipulate the environment without user intervention during the lab. This could allow greater control and ensure tha...
Wayne Klapwyk almost 4 years ago in Lab Creation & Lifecycle Actions / Lab Scoring & Activities 1 Future consideration

Ability to initiate Lab Manual review workflows

Would like to use a tool to be able to initiate a review workflow for the Lab Manual instructions. This will allow for collaborative multi-user review workflows. I am not able to use this tool as it does not support when the...
Eric Grau about 3 years ago in Lab Creation & Lifecycle Actions 1 Future consideration

Can we make the countdown timer more prominent?

The countdown timer is vital in an exam situation. We would like to explore the possibility of making it more prominent in the instruction window.
Guest over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 1 Already exists

Move Lab Commit Back to Gear Menu

Hi Team, I like the new features added to the lab profile commit screen (update the VM specs) but I do not like that it is now in the save lab instance menu after selecting the hamburger icon. As an admin, I am used to my administrative tasks res...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Lab Creation & Lifecycle Actions 0 Unlikely to Implement

Customizable Help Tab

The Help tab is great for when a user needs assistance with the lab technology itself, but many users confuse that with how to get help from the course developers. I would like to be able to separate the help tab into two sections: One for Course ...
Guest over 2 years ago in Skillable Studio 5 Awaiting Further Feedback

Gitlab Integration

Currently Lab on Demand only allows Azure Devops (ADO) and GitHub as an instruction sources. GitLab is another major product which we primarily use (and likely many others do as well). Please add integration for GitLab so we can take full advantag...
Guest over 3 years ago in Lab Creation & Lifecycle Actions 0 Future consideration

When automating lab deployment /updates the activities are not exposed to API hence manual updates are needed

When you end your lab with a selftest or any activities you use in you lab are only stored in the lab profile with no way to update these or release these from DEV - PROD, Seen we are running completely automated pipelines to do QA and deploy , al...
Guest over 2 years ago in Skillable API 5 Likely to Implement

More flexible size categories

We make extensive use of router machines in our networking and security labs. These don't require large amounts of memory but they do need more than two network adapters. Consequently, the new(ish) size categories don’t fit our requirement at all....
James Pengelly over 2 years ago in Lab Administration 2 Already exists

Allow organizations to customize the default column in the class roster view

Allow organizations to customize the columns that are the default view when accessing the class roster. Allowing an organization with multiple sales reps to see who a student is assigned to, their email, and company name by default - or whatever c...
Guest over 3 years ago in Skillable TMS 0 Future consideration

Offline IDLx editor

At times, it is not possible to work online consider an issue with the internet connection. An IDLx offline editor with the ability to save instructions locally and then sync the instructions with the online editor when internet is restored will b...
Guest over 3 years ago in Lab Creation & Lifecycle Actions 0 Future consideration