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Add Notifications for Subscription Expiration

Similar to notifications for Course Assignments, we would like to be able to send out automated notifications for when a Subscription is about to expire. The same options for course assignment (days until expiration) would be appropriate.
Guest over 2 years ago in Skillable TMS 4 Future consideration

Allow instructor to pre-launch student labs

It would be useful to allow the instructor to pre-launch all student's labs for a lab profile. This feature is already offered by Qwiklabs for all AWS classes. Time allowed in lab should count from first time student's themselves click the Launch ...
Rasmus Haslund over 3 years ago in Skillable TMS 0 Future consideration

video player should allow selecting any section

The internal video player while working on a lab currently doesn’t allow to review a specific section e.g. at minute 2 of 5 again. You always have to review the whole video again – which is cumbersome for installation/configuration videos. That’s ...
Maurice Fourier over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 3 Future consideration

Retrieve Lab Instances by User ID

Currently when retrieving bulk lab instance data, it is limited to a date range. If you want to figure out what instances are associated with a specific user it generally would require you to be caching those within your own database. While there ...
James Burnham 10 months ago in  0 Needs review

Extend lab times and do not cancel/reset labs if timer runs out

Students and instructors need to have labs running all day during class and may need access to labs outside of class hours to complete all exercises. Currently, if the lab timer expires, they lose all the progress they've completed and the lab sta...
Guest almost 3 years ago in In-Lab Experience 8 Likely to Implement

An area showcasing the scripts for lab activities.

Not all developers will be powershell scripting experts and this common area would provide a good foundation for those who wish to learn the platform and build it on their own. If this could be supported with community involvement that would be fa...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Lab Scoring & Activities 3 Likely to Implement

Change the available Lab Resources with a specific Instruction Set

When multiple instruction sets are created they could depend on different Virtual Machines or Containers within a lab. For example having a Lab on how to install a web Apache Web Server, this could be offered on Windows, Ubuntu and Centos so the i...
Paul Gregory over 1 year ago in Skillable Studio 1 Future consideration

Remove differencing disks for a committed save

Rolling back a committed save (i.e. removing all the differencing disks made with that save) on a lab with many VMs is a time consuming chore and comes with the risk of forgetting to remove a disk from a VM, or removing two diff disks from a VM by...
Thomas Larsen over 2 years ago in Storage Management 1 Future consideration

Enable OAuth login to third-party service from lab instructions

As a lab author, I want students to complete work in their demo accounts for our service, and then I want the lab to check their account directly to verify that they completed the work correctly. I'd like students to be able to enter their account...
Guest over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 1 Awaiting Further Feedback

Scroll to last checked lab step when resuming

Not having to scroll would save time
Guest about 3 years ago in In-Lab Experience 0 Likely to Implement