Hi Team,
I would like to propose that the differencing disk merge option be put back on the roadmap.
I heard that there were some complications that came up to make it very difficult to implement, specifically around large trees of differencing ...
Ability to import automated activity from another Lab Profile.
Would be nice to be able to easily copy lab activity from lab to lab. Lets say you have some base activites that apply to multiple labs, having the ability to easily copy or import to another lab profile would be awesome! Imagine now that you exte...
Support Terraform templates as a Template Deployment alternative to ARM and Cloud Formation
Update Lab Profiles and Cloud Fabric templates to support the use of Terraform. By supporting Terraform. One great feature of Terraform is the technology is fabric agnostic therefore the implementation across different cloud fabrics would be simpl...
Paul Gregory
over 1 year ago
in Skillable Studio
Likely to Implement
Give instructor roles more time to complete labs while teaching
https://skillable.com/duration-faq/ Give anyone who has an "instructor role" more time to complete labs while teaching -- they are not trying to complete labs, they are trying to show students the steps and how to complete the labs. If they have a...
Ability for the learner to be able to select the Instruction Set within a lab
To improve Instruction Set usablility I think it would be great to allow users to be able to switch between instruction sets within the live lab rather than having to pick before launch.
Paul Gregory
over 1 year ago
in Skillable Studio
Likely to Implement
Ability to have Global Variables which stay the same across Instruction Sets
Variables in IDLx are Instruction Set specfic and they have unique values in each instruction set. However it would be really useful being able to create a global variable that maintains the same value across all instruction sets and if modified t...
Paul Gregory
over 1 year ago
in Skillable Studio
Likely to Implement
Add ability to mix Docker images & VMs in one lab profile
We are currently using the Docker fabric for our labs. We have several Docker containers running together to simulate a small cluster. We would like to add labs that interact with the cluster using a desktop client. We would prefer not to duplicat...
Would be nice to have the ability to duplicate an automated activity where it would also prompt for name. This way on labs with multiple activities that are similar the time to create would be shorter and less error prone.
Admins need a way to be able to see the API/LTI consumer configurations to do self service preliminary troubleshooting
I am currently unable to see what is published to any Integration Consumer, nor can I see the configuration to make sure that our endpoints and parameters match when working with customers.
Evan Burns
over 3 years ago
in LTI / Skillable API
Likely to Implement
Selecting Instructions Sets to Clone when using SaveAs
Often Lab Developers will use the Lab Series of Lab Profile SaveAs function to duplicate a Lab Profile as a starting point for a new Lab. When using this feature today all instructions are copied across However these wizards do support you being a...
Paul Gregory
over 1 year ago
in Skillable Studio
Likely to Implement