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Showing 12

Move Lab Commit Back to Gear Menu

Hi Team, I like the new features added to the lab profile commit screen (update the VM specs) but I do not like that it is now in the save lab instance menu after selecting the hamburger icon. As an admin, I am used to my administrative tasks res...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Lab Creation & Lifecycle Actions 0 Unlikely to Implement

Student Password Reset

As an Instructor, we used to be able to reset student passwords. Very useful as often on the second day of class a student can't remember the password they set the previous day. I have has to do this a number of times, but as of the security updat...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Skillable TMS 0 Unlikely to Implement

API - Add Groups to User API Methods

Add the listing, adding and removing of User-based TMS API methods. Groups are associated with a User account through the GUI. Similar functionality should be available via the API.
Wayne Klapwyk almost 4 years ago in Skillable API 2 Unlikely to Implement

Retrieve VM info in Automated Activities

Allow Automated Activity scripting to retrieve information regarding a Lab Profile VM using the VM Token Alias including one or more of the following similar to the Powershell Hyper-V commandlets (ex: Get-VM, Get-VMBIOS, Get-VMHardDiskDrive...) Po...
Wayne Klapwyk almost 4 years ago in Lab Scoring & Activities 0 Unlikely to Implement

Save a copy of the instance upon teardown

I realize it's a huge ask, but instead of JUST tearing down instances, maybe it can save a copy of the live environment in addition to the teardown so if we need to we can pop in and look at it, while also keeping the teardown functionality we use...
Guest almost 4 years ago in In-Lab Experience 2 Unlikely to Implement

Add custom fields to Company object

We would like to be able to use the Company object to track custom information about companies. Two of our use cases: a custom field for the company's external ID in SFDC; and another for the end date of the company's subscription to our software...
Rowan McVey almost 4 years ago in Skillable API 3 Unlikely to Implement

Create API functionality to search storage

Some basic API functionality could be extended to allow Lab Administrators to report on storage from a number of different perspectives. It would be helpful to see all the Disks attached to a VM as well as identifying the primary disks, Differenci...
Wayne Klapwyk about 3 years ago in Storage Management 0 Unlikely to Implement

Public IP Details

Any idea if any chance, the LOD devs could make the VM IP visible directly either in "My Labs" under "Running" Labs:
Guest over 3 years ago in Skillable TMS 1 Unlikely to Implement

Turn off password expiration policy or allow orgs to turn it off

Since the change to the new authentication system, everyone is required to change their password every 60? 90? days. This is an outmoded security practice that actually leads to more risk of accounts being exposed:
Guest over 3 years ago in Skillable TMS 5 Unlikely to Implement

Add a "Future Action" feature

A "Future Action" feature would allow the application of a number of different characteristics to a course starting on a specified date and potentially ending on a specific date. Information that could be set/changed with this function could inclu...
Wayne Klapwyk almost 4 years ago in Skillable TMS 0 Unlikely to Implement