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Status Unlikely to Implement
Categories Skillable TMS
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 10, 2021

Public IP Details

Any idea if any chance, the LOD devs could make the VM IP visible directly either in "My Labs" under "Running" Labs:

Who would most benefit from this idea? LMS Administrators or LMS Learners
    Aug 15, 2022

    Closing this idea since there have been no update in last 6 months. The posted comment should assist with the requested idea.

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  • Eric Grau
    May 27, 2022

    Prashant, looking at this idea and wanted to ask a few questions on this.

    You are Talking about the "CurrentTraining" page in the TMS and in the Labs Sections correct?

    You are asking to have another Column added to expose the IP of the VM visible?
    Could you provide your use case a little more please as this is a little brief.

    Example: Since this entry under the Labs section would just give a link to relaunch the lab which could contain several VMs it does not make it clear to me what it is you are trying to expose here.

    Any further details would be fantastic if you could please what you wanted to see, how that would assist the user.