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Status Released
Categories In-Lab Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 10, 2022

When Launching a lab with FireFox as default browser the Environment window Minimizes.

See attachment for example. The environment window automatically sizes itself extremely small and narrow. This only happens if FireFox is the browser used and it happens for all of our lab profiles that use FireFox on both Windows or Mac.

Who would most benefit from this idea? Lab Learners or Exam-takers
What is the problem you are trying to solve?

I would like to see why the default sizing is different for different browsers. Things size correctly in Chrome, but not FF.

    Sep 19, 2023

    Thanks for taking some time to send along this suggestion! This has been identified as a bug and remedied.

  • Attach files
  • Eric Grau
    Oct 25, 2022

    Thank you for submitting this. This idea looks like it may be a potential bug issue. Please create a support ticket for this to initiate the resolution.

    Changing the status to Likely to Implement. Please stay linked with this idea to stay updated with the status.