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Status Future consideration
Categories Skillable TMS
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 21, 2022

Add Notifications for Subscription Expiration

Similar to notifications for Course Assignments, we would like to be able to send out automated notifications for when a Subscription is about to expire. The same options for course assignment (days until expiration) would be appropriate.

Who would most benefit from this idea? LMS Administrators or LMS Learners
What is the problem you are trying to solve?

Users forgetting about their subscription assignments. For course assignments we send out a notification at 60,30,and 10 days prior to expiration. We are trying to switch away from direct course assignment, but cannot due to lack of notification options for subscription.

    Sep 27, 2022

    Thanks for taking a minute to send along this suggestion! Our Product Group has given this an initial review and assigned this a status of "Future Consideration." This status mean this Idea is not yet on our roadmap, but will be part of our normal prioritization processes.

    If you have additional context or would like to generate more demand, feel free to edit your original post, add a comment, and/or invite your peers to upvote your Idea.

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  • Bev Underwood
    Jan 23, 2023

    To add some content, this would be an add to the notification plan to expose the expiration date and notify the user within X amount of time that the subscription is about to expire.

  • Eric Strause
    Dec 6, 2022

    This feature request is still core to a large SaaS client who needs the Course Assignment is about to expire alert. We can notify on created but we cannot notify on the subscription is going to expire. We need the same capability for notifications as we have for Course assignment notifications.

  • Eric Strause
    Nov 2, 2022

    This feature request is really key for one of my SaaS clients. Subscriptions are a better solution for their use case than course assignments however without subscription notifications the solution is simply not viable.

  • Eric Grau
    Sep 27, 2022

    Thank you for this idea. Coming out in the next release there are improvements with a new Student Dashboard that will bring focus on all course assignments expirations. Having some extra notification options is a good idea.