Who would most benefit from this idea? | LMS Administrators or LMS Learners |
Thanks for taking some time to send along this suggestion! Our Product Group has given this an initial review... we love it. We cannot yet commit to a specific timeframe, but we've assigned this as "Likely to Implement," so stay tuned to this thread for updates over the next few weeks or months.
If you have additional context or would like to generate more demand, feel free to edit your original post and/or invite your peers to upvote your Idea.
Thank you for your additional comment. After looking this over some more we have decided to expand this IDEA as follows:
Add New Status Filter
Give the user the ability to filter out courses based on the status of the Course assignment
Add a new set of icons to visualize the courses in a specific state
To further assist the user, change the Start button to Continue
for those course assignments that are "In Progress"
I'd say it's better than nothing at all! It is still somewhat hard to notice, and would be difficult for someone brand new to this to know what it means. Would there be any additional information on the more detailed course page as well?
Thank you for your suggestion, would this solution solve the problem you are experiencing?

Can use a similar idea as Learner Paths Icons
Not started:
In Progress: