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Subscription Expiration Date to be Determined from the first time it was accessed.

Currently, the subscription expiration date is determined but the date it was issued. We should have the ability to choose that or to set it up to be determined by the first time a person actually access this subscription. This way it allows the p...
Niko Venev almost 3 years ago in Skillable TMS 0 Future consideration

In reporting of user Challenge Lab completion, the user's leveraging of Hints should be reportable.

When a user's challenge lab activity is populated in the "Fand lab instances" search (see attached screenshot) it would be helpful to know if the user leveraged the Hints tool to help them complete the lab.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Data & Reporting / Lab Scoring & Activities 5 Future consideration

Extend TMS Api to expose the id of lab profiles which are part of a courses lab activity

Extend TMS Api to expose the id of lab profiles (usable in the 'Launch' endpoint of the LOD Api) which are part of a courses lab activity.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Skillable API 2 Awaiting Further Feedback

Allow addition of hyperlinks to Notification Text

Within the text of a notification, can we add the ability to hyperlink text?
Christine Grauer almost 3 years ago in Skillable TMS 5 Already exists

flexibility to move the instructions window

I have a suggestion on the Skillable interface. Can we have the flexibility to move the instructions window to the left-hand side of the interface? Currently, it is fixed to the right-hand side or we have an option to split the windows. I feel the...
Guest almost 3 years ago in In-Lab Experience 1 Future consideration

Subscription Expiry Dates Configurable by Admins

The expiry on subscriptions should be configurable by TMS admins.
Christine Grauer almost 3 years ago in Skillable TMS 3 Already exists

Maximum Duration variable available in instructions.

Lab users are not always aware of the Maximum Duration. Maximum Duration is now a hard limit. We currently have an alert with the Maximum Duration at the beginning of the instructions, but this is manual. It would be nice to be dynamic via a varia...
Charles Alexander almost 3 years ago in In-Lab Experience 5 Future consideration

Allow labs with an external instructions source to include automated activities and questions

I just started exploring using an external instructions source for our lab profiles, because there is no versioning or publishing check for lab instructions in LOD itself. I was dismayed to see that labs that use an external instructions source ca...
Rowan McVey almost 3 years ago in In-Lab Experience 4 Future consideration

Test TMS

Any LMS that I've worked in has had a test environment so I could test the impact my actions were having on the GUI and user accounts. This is important so I don't implement a change and realize after that fact that it should have been something d...
Christine Grauer almost 3 years ago in Skillable TMS 4 Already exists

Floating Resource popout window

The resource panel is great for displaying VM details and credentials as well as documents, URLs and other resources. However, it isn't great for displaying software credentials. It would be useful for users if a floating icon or other identifiabl...
Wayne Klapwyk almost 3 years ago in In-Lab Experience 3 Future consideration