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Lab Creation & Lifecycle Actions

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Saving or creating lab profiles

When we use the save us option in an existing lab profile, we should have an option to select only the VMs that we need in the new profile. The selected VMs should be added to the new profile as independent clones and the VMs that are not selected...
Guest over 3 years ago in Lab Creation & Lifecycle Actions 0 Future consideration

Automatic creation of DHCP range

It would be helpful if Lab on Demand interface could automatically create a DHCP range (when the box is checked) to be automatically set based upon what a lab developer has inputted for the Gateway and Subnet addresses.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Lab Creation & Lifecycle Actions 0 Future consideration

mass import of new Lab Profiles?

I have an existing known good Lab Profile. I want to be able to create say another 30 or 40 lab profiles that are identical to my known good. The all have exactly the same settings (same series, same timings, same parent etc) the only difference w...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Lab Administration / Lab Creation & Lifecycle Actions / Skillable API / Template Gallery 2 Future consideration