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In-Lab Experience

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Allow inlining 360° images with full functionality

360° images are in .jpg format. But if they are inlined in the instructions, as images, you cannot navigate in the image anymore.
Guest about 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 1 Awaiting Further Feedback

Exam Mark for Review Function and Summary Page.

It would be awesome for candidates were able to mark tasks/questions for review and have a summary page before submission for grading. This summary page would be an index that could allow the students to jump back to questions they may have skippe...
Guest over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience / Lab Scoring & Activities 3 Future consideration

Can we make the countdown timer more prominent?

The countdown timer is vital in an exam situation. We would like to explore the possibility of making it more prominent in the instruction window.
Guest over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 1 Already exists

Make the header menu customizable.

The header on the "instructions" panel stays static and relatively small through the PBT experience. Would there be a way to customize the size of this text and also the content. This would allow us to identify different sections specifically when...
Guest over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 1 Already exists

Highlighting current snapshot.

If there are many snapshots in a lab, especially on development, it sometimes happens that I lost track of the snapshot I'm currently working in. Just highlighting this snapshot (or as in VMware: "You Are Here") in the list could be beneficial.
Kurt Verbruggen over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 1 Future consideration

Enable OAuth login to third-party service from lab instructions

As a lab author, I want students to complete work in their demo accounts for our service, and then I want the lab to check their account directly to verify that they completed the work correctly. I'd like students to be able to enter their account...
Guest over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 1 Awaiting Further Feedback

video player should allow selecting any section

The internal video player while working on a lab currently doesn’t allow to review a specific section e.g. at minute 2 of 5 again. You always have to review the whole video again – which is cumbersome for installation/configuration videos. That’s ...
Maurice Fourier over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 3 Future consideration

Automatically end running lab when new lab is requested

Right now, each individual student can only have one lab environment running at a time. If they try to open a second lab, they get an error message (or, if the lab is iframed via LTI, just a blank screen). I would like to have the option to automa...
Rowan McVey over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 1 Future consideration

Add tab navigation between embedded web display containers

In labs that have more than one container where all the labs use the terminal display, student are able to easily switch between the containers using tabs at the top of the container display area. This functionality is missing for labs that use th...
Rowan McVey over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 0 Future consideration

flexibility to move the instructions window

I have a suggestion on the Skillable interface. Can we have the flexibility to move the instructions window to the left-hand side of the interface? Currently, it is fixed to the right-hand side or we have an option to split the windows. I feel the...
Guest almost 3 years ago in In-Lab Experience 1 Future consideration