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Status Future consideration
Categories Skillable TMS
Created by Wayne Klapwyk
Created on Apr 15, 2021

Search for and Update SCORM and other modules

Currently there is no method to Search for and/or update SCORM modules that are embedded in Courses. Sometimes it is preferable to simply update the existing SCORM object rather than replace it. Labs can be modified without the need to replace them. Why not SCORM or other objects?

This would be beneficial when only small changes that do not affect the user's learning objectives are needed. For instance, bad spelling, punctuation or grammar that might affect how users read some instructions could be modified resulting in greater understanding of the material, reduced support calls asking for clarification and improved user satisfaction and success.

Who would most benefit from this idea? LMS Administrators or LMS Learners
    Aug 10, 2023

    Thanks for taking a minute to send along this suggestion! Our Product Group has given this an initial review and assigned this a status of "Future Consideration." This status mean this Idea is not yet on our roadmap, but will be part of our normal prioritization processes.

    If you have additional context or would like to generate more demand, feel free to edit your original post, add a comment, and/or invite your peers to upvote your Idea.

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  • Eric Grau
    May 27, 2022

    Wayne, currently there is no current ability to replace the SCORM object itself with a revised/updated copy. Adding this to Future Consideration to be able to expose some sort of versioning ability to be able to account for this ability.