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Status Awaiting Further Feedback
Categories In-Lab Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 24, 2022

Allow inlining 360° images with full functionality

360° images are in .jpg format. But if they are inlined in the instructions, as images, you cannot navigate in the image anymore.

Who would most benefit from this idea? Lab Learners or Exam-takers
What is the problem you are trying to solve?

In a lot of our courses, we have hardware and software pieces. The software part can be easily covered by the virtual machines. For the hardware (e. g. X-ray machines), the implementation of 360° images with navigation would be very helpful.

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  • Eric Grau
    Nov 25, 2022

    Thank you for this idea. You are asking to include VR View for the web so that 360° images and videos are playable?

    Take a look at this link to see if this is the type of media you would like supported.