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Categories Cloud
Created by Paul Gregory
Created on Feb 18, 2022

Add support for Google Cloud Platform

Can a third native cloud platform be add to the LOD platform. Currently there is native support for Azure and AWS, adding GCP will complete the major general use cloud portfolio. We are seeing the high take up of the GCP platform in the Financial business arena especially within International banks. Currently we have two customers that have requested this support. One would like GCP support via the Skillable Challenge Labs product and have a series of Challenge labs created. The second company is a global GCP official training company and would like to create their own courseware and want a lab delivery platform.
Both would like support of all the common services (VM's storage and networking as examples) as well as support for Machine Learning and AI

Who would most benefit from this idea? Lab Developers or Lab Authors
What is the problem you are trying to solve?

Enable native support for the Google Cloud Platform to expand our use cases for customers as well as make implementation much easier.

    Mar 3, 2022

    Thanks for taking a minute to send along this suggestion! Our Product Group has given this an initial review and assigned this a status of "Future Consideration." This status mean this Idea is not yet on our roadmap, but will be part of our normal prioritization processes.

    If you have additional context or would like to generate more demand, feel free to edit your original post, add a comment, and/or invite your peers to upvote your Idea.

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  • Will Krause
    Oct 6, 2023

    We're happy to inform you that we now can support GCP labs in the Skillable platform!

    Currently, we are offering GCP labs as a part of our Challenge Labs product and are beginning to roll out our first Challenges. We are considering expanding support to strategic customers in the future. Please reach out if you or a customer you work with is interested in participating in our expansion.

    Thank you,

    Will Krause | Senior Product Manager

  • Eric Grau
    Feb 18, 2022

    Paul, thank you for the idea.

    We would love to hear your feedback here if this is of interest for you.

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