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Lab Administration

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Restrict Users to specific Lab Series (A la TMS-styled Subscriptions)

We have a large number of users involved in the creation of Self-Paced Labs and SCORM-based modules. Right now if a user is assigned to 1 Lab Series they gain access to all the labs in both Dev and Prod through the LOD development environment. It ...
Wayne Klapwyk almost 4 years ago in Lab Administration / Lab Creation & Lifecycle Actions 1 Future consideration

Change GUI controls on LOD and LMS to be always visible rather than only bottom of page

When using LOD GUI (for example, editing a lab profile or a course) or LMS GUI (for example updating course details), the action buttons (e.g. Save) are always at the very bottom of the page. Therefore, if I have a long list of say VMs in a lab pr...
Hadas Arad almost 4 years ago in In-Lab Experience / Lab Administration 0 Future consideration

Keep Cloud Platform Field at Any, Don't Change to Azure, when using the Find Lab Profiles Search More than Once

When I return to the Find Lab Profiles search after performing a search, the cloud platform is always changed to Azure. Even when I change the field back to Any, the Search won't run. I don't use Azure, so this starts to get frustrating when tryin...
Melissa Warren almost 4 years ago in Lab Administration 0 Future consideration

mass import of new Lab Profiles?

I have an existing known good Lab Profile. I want to be able to create say another 30 or 40 lab profiles that are identical to my known good. The all have exactly the same settings (same series, same timings, same parent etc) the only difference w...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Lab Administration / Lab Creation & Lifecycle Actions / Skillable API / Template Gallery 2 Future consideration