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Allow Disabling TMS Course without removing it from Catalogs

Add the ability to Disable a TMS Course without removing it from Course Catalogs. This would be different from the Archive feature which does remove the Course from catalogs. The Disable feature would prevent the ability to launch the course while...
Wayne Klapwyk almost 4 years ago in Skillable TMS 0 Future consideration

Allow the Changing of Power States of remote VMs in Automated Activities and LCAs

The ability to Power a remote VM On or Off via Automated Activities or Life Cycle Actions could enhance the designer's capacity to manipulate the environment without user intervention during the lab. This could allow greater control and ensure tha...
Wayne Klapwyk almost 4 years ago in Lab Creation & Lifecycle Actions / Lab Scoring & Activities 1 Future consideration

Move Lab Commit Back to Gear Menu

Hi Team, I like the new features added to the lab profile commit screen (update the VM specs) but I do not like that it is now in the save lab instance menu after selecting the hamburger icon. As an admin, I am used to my administrative tasks res...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Lab Creation & Lifecycle Actions 0 Unlikely to Implement

Change the available Lab Resources with a specific Instruction Set

When multiple instruction sets are created they could depend on different Virtual Machines or Containers within a lab. For example having a Lab on how to install a web Apache Web Server, this could be offered on Windows, Ubuntu and Centos so the i...
Paul Gregory over 1 year ago in Skillable Studio 1 Future consideration

Make the header menu customizable.

The header on the "instructions" panel stays static and relatively small through the PBT experience. Would there be a way to customize the size of this text and also the content. This would allow us to identify different sections specifically when...
Guest over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 1 Already exists

Adding threat detection capabilities to AWS labs

Currently there is no support to offer threat detection abilities to AWS labs. I would like to see GuardDuty, Inspector, and Security Hub. I know that these may not be possible, but it would be nice to have for labs.
Guest over 2 years ago in Cloud 2 Future consideration

Add iframe option for BYOC labs

We would like to use the Bring-Your-Own-Cloud feature with temporary environments created on our company's platform. However, currently the CloudSlice UI always opens with two browser windows (one for the instructions and one for the cloud UI), an...
Rowan McVey over 2 years ago in Cloud 1 Likely to Implement

Automatically end running lab when new lab is requested

Right now, each individual student can only have one lab environment running at a time. If they try to open a second lab, they get an error message (or, if the lab is iframed via LTI, just a blank screen). I would like to have the option to automa...
Rowan McVey over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 1 Future consideration

Subscription Expiry Dates Configurable by Admins

The expiry on subscriptions should be configurable by TMS admins.
Christine Grauer almost 3 years ago in Skillable TMS 3 Already exists

Maximum Duration variable available in instructions.

Lab users are not always aware of the Maximum Duration. Maximum Duration is now a hard limit. We currently have an alert with the Maximum Duration at the beginning of the instructions, but this is manual. It would be nice to be dynamic via a varia...
Charles Alexander almost 3 years ago in In-Lab Experience 5 Future consideration