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Add Notifications for Subscription Expiration

Similar to notifications for Course Assignments, we would like to be able to send out automated notifications for when a Subscription is about to expire. The same options for course assignment (days until expiration) would be appropriate.
Guest over 2 years ago in Skillable TMS 4 Future consideration

video player should allow selecting any section

The internal video player while working on a lab currently doesn’t allow to review a specific section e.g. at minute 2 of 5 again. You always have to review the whole video again – which is cumbersome for installation/configuration videos. That’s ...
Maurice Fourier over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 3 Future consideration

Scroll to last checked lab step when resuming

Not having to scroll would save time
Guest about 3 years ago in In-Lab Experience 0 Likely to Implement

Send Lab Profile Owner an alert when an LP change is saved.

When lab profiles changes are saved it would be convenient for change tracking purposes to have an option to automatically email the LP owner to alert them of the change. If not automatically, then have the option to alert or not, default to alert.
Guest over 3 years ago in Lab Administration / Lab Creation & Lifecycle Actions 0 Future consideration

Export/Import at the VM Profile level

There is Export and Import functionality at the Lab Series and Lab Profiles. Why not at the VM Profile level? We recently had a situation where some VM Profiles were deleted and having the ability to simply import a previously exported VM Profile ...
Wayne Klapwyk over 3 years ago in Lab Creation & Lifecycle Actions 1 Future consideration

Selecting Instructions Sets to Clone when using SaveAs

Often Lab Developers will use the Lab Series of Lab Profile SaveAs function to duplicate a Lab Profile as a starting point for a new Lab. When using this feature today all instructions are copied across However these wizards do support you being a...
Paul Gregory over 1 year ago in Skillable Studio 1 Likely to Implement

When Creating a new Variable be able to specify the Instruction Sets its should be included in

When creating a new variable it is created in the Instructions that are currently active. If that variable is needed in multi Instructions within a Lab profile it has to be manually created in each set of instruction.
Paul Gregory over 1 year ago in Skillable Studio 1 Future consideration

Enable the Custom Button Text to support multiple languages

When using Instruction Sets and supporting multiple langauges one of the great features is when creating automated activities the activity can query the new @lab tokens to find the language the lab is being run in. However there are no options to ...
Paul Gregory over 1 year ago in Skillable Studio 1 Future consideration

Remove differencing disks for a committed save

Rolling back a committed save (i.e. removing all the differencing disks made with that save) on a lab with many VMs is a time consuming chore and comes with the risk of forgetting to remove a disk from a VM, or removing two diff disks from a VM by...
Thomas Larsen over 2 years ago in Storage Management 1 Future consideration

Enable OAuth login to third-party service from lab instructions

As a lab author, I want students to complete work in their demo accounts for our service, and then I want the lab to check their account directly to verify that they completed the work correctly. I'd like students to be able to enter their account...
Guest over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 1 Awaiting Further Feedback