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Ability to duplicate automated activity

Would be nice to have the ability to duplicate an automated activity where it would also prompt for name. This way on labs with multiple activities that are similar the time to create would be shorter and less error prone.
Eric Grau over 3 years ago in Lab Scoring & Activities 0 Likely to Implement

Admins need a way to be able to see the API/LTI consumer configurations to do self service preliminary troubleshooting

I am currently unable to see what is published to any Integration Consumer, nor can I see the configuration to make sure that our endpoints and parameters match when working with customers.
Evan Burns over 3 years ago in LTI / Skillable API 3 Likely to Implement

Support Terraform templates as a Template Deployment alternative to ARM and Cloud Formation

Update Lab Profiles and Cloud Fabric templates to support the use of Terraform. By supporting Terraform. One great feature of Terraform is the technology is fabric agnostic therefore the implementation across different cloud fabrics would be simpl...
Paul Gregory over 1 year ago in Skillable Studio 1 Likely to Implement

Training Keys to be exposed to the API

We like to have an api which can generate one or more keys for a specific class
John Grasso over 2 years ago in Skillable API / Skillable TMS 3 Will Implement

API - Get Lab Profile - Export details and scripts

Provide an API function in the LOD Development environment to retrieve all elements of a Lab Profile much like the Dev URL "<Lab_ID>" provides. This would allow users to quickly create and update a l...
Wayne Klapwyk almost 4 years ago in Lab Administration / Skillable API 3 Likely to Implement

Instructions Replacements Controls

Enable Checkbox Lab Devs like to test replacements to ensure that they are functioning properly without having to remove them. Having a checkbox to disable the replacement without actually deleting it would remove it from evaluation allowing a Lab...
Wayne Klapwyk 4 months ago in  0 Needs review

Push or pull individual files from VMs

It would be useful to be able to push or pull individual files from the virtual machines. Especially with cybersecurity ranges that have unpatched/vulnerable software or malware it is sometimes desirable to keep the lab completely offline while al...
Guest about 3 years ago in In-Lab Experience 4 Future consideration

Provide the ability to launch MacOS virtual machines

macOS virtual machines require macOS hardware. Providing a macOS VM in the lab gallery would open up macOS training options.
Guest over 3 years ago in Virtual Machine 0 Future consideration

Ability to have Global Variables which stay the same across Instruction Sets

Variables in IDLx are Instruction Set specfic and they have unique values in each instruction set. However it would be really useful being able to create a global variable that maintains the same value across all instruction sets and if modified t...
Paul Gregory over 1 year ago in Skillable Studio 1 Likely to Implement

Add replacement tokens for "Current Score" and "Max Score"

I'd like to see a replacement token for the lab instance's current score and its max score. There are 2 big areas this has value: Inside of automated activities where you may want to do different things depending on how well a user has progressed ...
James Burnham about 2 years ago in Lab Administration / Lab Scoring & Activities / Skillable Studio 6 Future consideration