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In-Lab Experience

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Save a copy of the instance upon teardown

I realize it's a huge ask, but instead of JUST tearing down instances, maybe it can save a copy of the live environment in addition to the teardown so if we need to we can pop in and look at it, while also keeping the teardown functionality we use...
Guest over 3 years ago in In-Lab Experience 2 Unlikely to Implement

Add tab navigation between embedded web display containers

In labs that have more than one container where all the labs use the terminal display, student are able to easily switch between the containers using tabs at the top of the container display area. This functionality is missing for labs that use th...
Rowan McVey over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 0 Future consideration

flexibility to move the instructions window

I have a suggestion on the Skillable interface. Can we have the flexibility to move the instructions window to the left-hand side of the interface? Currently, it is fixed to the right-hand side or we have an option to split the windows. I feel the...
Guest over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 1 Future consideration

Changes/additions to @lab.container.Terminal token

With the addition of the display option for containers (web or terminal), the @lab.container.Terminal replacement token needs some updates, in my opinion. Currently, the replacement token inserts whatever display option is set at the container lev...
Rowan McVey over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 0 Future consideration

[Ms Learn] By default select: Use the desktop language bar when it's available.

Can you make the default lab VM to have the Settings - Keyboard - "Use the desktop language bar when it's available." checked by default? So we can change input method quickly.
Guest almost 3 years ago in In-Lab Experience / Lab Creation & Lifecycle Actions 0 Awaiting Further Feedback

Opening Lab Instructions from a phone or iPad with a barcode

I've seen this feature with another product, but we have some students taking labs using Chromebooks and have no real estate on their monitor. All students have a phone. It would be a better LOD experience to scroll through instructions on an ipad...
Melissa Warren over 3 years ago in In-Lab Experience 0 Future consideration