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In-Lab Experience

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Automatically end running lab when new lab is requested

Right now, each individual student can only have one lab environment running at a time. If they try to open a second lab, they get an error message (or, if the lab is iframed via LTI, just a blank screen). I would like to have the option to automa...
Rowan McVey over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 1 Future consideration

Maximum Duration variable available in instructions.

Lab users are not always aware of the Maximum Duration. Maximum Duration is now a hard limit. We currently have an alert with the Maximum Duration at the beginning of the instructions, but this is manual. It would be nice to be dynamic via a varia...
Charles Alexander almost 3 years ago in In-Lab Experience 5 Future consideration

Allow inlining 360° images with full functionality

360° images are in .jpg format. But if they are inlined in the instructions, as images, you cannot navigate in the image anymore.
Guest about 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 1 Awaiting Further Feedback

Can we make the countdown timer more prominent?

The countdown timer is vital in an exam situation. We would like to explore the possibility of making it more prominent in the instruction window.
Guest over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 1 Already exists

Floating Resource popout window

The resource panel is great for displaying VM details and credentials as well as documents, URLs and other resources. However, it isn't great for displaying software credentials. It would be useful for users if a floating icon or other identifiabl...
Wayne Klapwyk almost 3 years ago in In-Lab Experience 3 Future consideration

Formatting needed in Question Activties

When providing an explanation in an answer feedback box in a lab Activity, I notice that the text does not format properly. The text wraps but does not justify to accommodate the words.
Guest over 3 years ago in In-Lab Experience / Lab Scoring & Activities 1 In User Acceptance Testing

Include Snapshots in the Lab Profile. Also allow md "@" selection of the snapshots.

When Launching a Lab it would sometimes be beneficial to include "baked In" snapshots. These snapshots would differ from user snapshots as they could not be deleted or modified by the user. Otherwise they would be identical. This would allow multi...
Wayne Klapwyk almost 4 years ago in In-Lab Experience 0 Future consideration

Display the lab startup duration (lab launch time) in the monitor lab view

It would be very useful to see the lab startup time (lab launch time) as the instructor in the class. Some times students will complain about startup times but I have no idea how much time they actually had to wait.
Rasmus Haslund almost 4 years ago in In-Lab Experience / Lab Delivery 0 Future consideration

Highlighting current snapshot.

If there are many snapshots in a lab, especially on development, it sometimes happens that I lost track of the snapshot I'm currently working in. Just highlighting this snapshot (or as in VMware: "You Are Here") in the list could be beneficial.
Kurt Verbruggen over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 1 Future consideration

flexibility to move the instructions window

I have a suggestion on the Skillable interface. Can we have the flexibility to move the instructions window to the left-hand side of the interface? Currently, it is fixed to the right-hand side or we have an option to split the windows. I feel the...
Guest almost 3 years ago in In-Lab Experience 1 Future consideration