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Skillable Studio

Showing 14

Multiple Instructions Sets

Currently to provide varied instructions for a lab based on its use case a lab author is required to make additional (likely child) lab profiles, the use of "Sections" to override large chunks of content, or some combination thereof. One of the bi...
James Burnham over 2 years ago in Skillable Studio 6 Released

To reduce TAT and improve granularity for support

Lab Instance State Change webhooks – can webhooks be made available for each event change that occurs during the lab lifecycle.
Guest over 2 years ago in Lab Administration 2 Released

Limit the amount of retries when making a question in the instructions.

When creating questions in the instructions for a lab there is an option to allow retries, but it allows unlimited retries which essentially makes the question a guessing game without penalty and thus highly reduced effectiveness. There should be ...
Guest almost 3 years ago in In-Lab Experience / Lab Scoring & Activities 7 Released

Instructions in Multiple Languages

Today building lab with instructions that are in multiple different languages (for example English and Spanish) is incredibly complicated. It requires some combination of "Sections", child labs, API Parameters, etc. It's possible, but very difficu...
James Burnham over 2 years ago in Skillable Studio 3 Released

Page Validation on Lab Activities

Currently when something is incorrect or missing in a "New Question" activities form; clicking the save or save and insert buttons do nothing. This gives end users the impression that something is wrong with the platform. This is not particularly ...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Lab Scoring & Activities 1 Released

Lab Support for Right to Left Languages (Specifically Arabic)

Add support to translate labs into languages that read right to left (such as Arabic).
James Burnham over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 0 Released

Add a Download Option to End of Lab Score Report

Add an option to the end of lab score report to download it to your local computer.
James Burnham about 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience / Lab Administration 0 Released

TMS - Webhooks for key areas of integration

Restful API only means that remote users need to constantly poll for status changes. Need to be able to have remote systems be notified for event changes such as: Class/Subscription Webhooks Class and Course Feedback - keeping updated when feedbac...
Eric Grau over 2 years ago in Lab Administration / Skillable API / Skillable TMS 2 Released

When Launching a lab with FireFox as default browser the Environment window Minimizes.

See attachment for example. The environment window automatically sizes itself extremely small and narrow. This only happens if FireFox is the browser used and it happens for all of our lab profiles that use FireFox on both Windows or Mac.
Guest over 2 years ago in In-Lab Experience 1 Released

Allow Ordering of Automated Activity Scripts

I noticed that shell scripts in automated activities are not orderable, whereas LCA shell scripts are orderable. The ordering feature would be very useful for automated activities to avoid the need to copy/paste all of the scripts for a simple reo...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Skillable Studio 0 Released