Currently there is no support to offer threat detection abilities to AWS labs. I would like to see GuardDuty, Inspector, and Security Hub. I know that these may not be possible, but it would be nice to have for labs.
about 2 years ago
in Cloud
Future consideration
Provide the ability to create shared virtual hard disks
Currently, if we need to build a cluster setup with multiple nodes and shared disks, we need to build a ESXi or Hyper-V virtual machine and then build the cluster setup as a nested setup on one of these hypervisors.
about 3 years ago
in Virtual Machine
Future consideration
Add network Access Control List option to Docker-based labs
VM-based labs have the option to restrict access to the internet using ACLs. We would like the same option for Docker-based labs.
In our case, we have web access enabled for our Docker-based labs because we need to connect to standing cloud-based...
over 3 years ago
in Container
Future consideration